(4) New 102’ diameter X 120’ tall JF concrete storage bins with below ground tunnels were erected at the elevator facility in Concordia, KS by McPherson Concrete.
Flush floor aeration system is included in each of the (4) bins rated at 1/10 CFM per bushel on corn, 1/13 CFM per bushel on milo.
Grain is transferred to the new bin cluster by a Hi-Roller conveyor rated at 30,000 BPH, receiving grain from existing equipment. Each bin is filled by an Intersystems conveyor rated at 30,000 BPH.
Grain is reclaimed with a Springland sweep auger in each of the four bins feeding Hi-Roller belt conveyors rated at 40,000 BPH.
Gravity type truck load out spouts were installed on the side of each of the (4) 102’ diameter JF bins.