This project was a complete machinery upgrade. Equipment was removed and replaced, and additional equipment was added as needed.
A new house leg was installed, replacing the existing smaller house leg. This leg was then attached to a new Hayes & Sholz electric distributor. HABCO fabricated spouting connects the distributor to the rest of the facility.
Atop both annexes, receiving drag conveyors where installed and spouted to all bins in the annex. Both annexes also had new reclaim drag conveyors installed. House leg capacity and discharge height increased to increase fill speed to both annexes.
A 20,000 bph rail loadout system was added using an Intersystems bulkweigher and sampler.
Product is dispensed to rail car using a HABCO exclusive hydraulically actuated hinged rail loadout spout.
To facilitate the rail load out system, a new control room was added on the bulkweigher structure.